VIDEO: Lyrikal – Better Than The Rest + Don’t Kill My Vibe


VIDEO: Lyrikal – Better Than The Rest + Don’t Kill My Vibe

Post by 9ja Hottest
PH rapper Lyrikal displays true lyrical prowess on both mixtape singles “Better Than The Rest” and “Don’t Kill My Vibe”.
“Port-harcourt is a city that asides from being an Oil and Gas hub, has churned out the very best in hit-makers from Duncan Mighty to Timaya and Wizboyy. Yes, Lagos is touted as the Commercial Capital for music, the city and its residents have refused to have their music muted. One of such protagonists is Lyrikal. It is incontrovertible that the young rapper has an undeniable potential. His laid-back demeanor and style of delivery evokes memories of circa 90s Snoop Dogg. 
Already, his music is gaining a decent amount of traction in the city that he reps, he seeks to expand the coasts to which his good music covers. Thoughtful lyrics, insightful content and potent delivery are the hallmarks of what Lyrikal represents. In “Better Than The Rest“, Lyrikal is unapologetic in asserting his prominence as one of the best from out of Port-Harcourt. The song is from off his latest project — “R.M.F.A.O (Rappin My Fuckin’ Ass Off ) The Mixtape”.  On his cover for Kendrick Lamar’s “DON’T KILL MY VIBE” He continues to push the envelope in a way that will give the original song a decent run for its money.”

Better Than The Rest
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Don’t Kill My Vibe
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